Our Sponsors

The Steering Committee would like to extend a special thank you to the sponsors for their support of The National Firearms Law Seminar.

Blue Book Publications, Inc. Logo
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund Full Color Logo

We are grateful for your donations and support of The NRA Foundation, Inc. as a nonprofit organization dedicated to firearms-related education programs benefiting the general public.

Your assistance greatly contributes to our continuing success in informing seminar attendees of the Second Amendment's historical significance, current interpretations of the right to keep and bear arms, and present-day status and judicial interpretations of firearms laws. With your generous donations of products, services and money, you help in the education of attorneys, law enforcement officers, public officials, multinational corporations, managers of gun clubs and ranges, lobbyists, military personnel, and all Second amendment supporters throughout the nation.

If you are interested in sponsoring the Seminar, please contact Sarah at [email protected] orĀ 1-877-NRF-LAWS.

We thank you again for your assistance.

Learn More About The Seminar

View the full schedule for the most important Second Amendment seminar of the year. This full day seminar is packed with smart discussions, lively debates and career defining networking opportunities.

Review the biographies of our esteemed speakers before you arrive. The depth of knowledge from this incredible group of thought leaders makes this event one you should not miss.

This event is likely to sell out quickly. Register now to secure your seat at the table. Earn Continuing Legal Education Credits through the NRA Foundation's Firearms Law Seminar.

Can't Make The Seminar In Person?

Written study materials are available for purchase. To order the materials or ask for more information, call 1-877-NRF-LAWS or email us at [email protected].

The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar is the largest gathering of Second Amendment attorneys in the country.

The NRA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. The NRA Foundation Tax ID number is: 52-1710886