Professor David Raney

Professor David Raney

Professor David Raney is a professor of history and the John Anthony Halter Chair in American History, the Constitution, and the Second Amendment at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan. He has taught at Hillsdale since the fall of 2005. Before joining Hillsdale’s faculty, Dr. Raney taught at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan and, prior to that, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he received his Ph.D. in history in 2001. Dr. Raney received his A.B. from the University of Chicago in 1991, where he earned honors in history as well as college-wide honors.

At Hillsdale, Dr. Raney teaches courses including The Western Heritage to 1600, The American Heritage, Colonial America to 1763, The Founding of the American Republic,

Jacksonian America, and Sectionalism and the American Civil War. Dr. Raney served as director of the college’s Honors Program from 2008 to 2011. In addition, Dr. Raney is known for his publications, public lectures, and participation in academic conferences and panels.

Dr. Raney is in his first term as a member of the NRA board of directors. He serves on the Collegiate Programs, Grassroots Development, Legislative Policy, and Public Affairs Committees. He has been a staunch supporter of necessary and prudent reforms of the organization, and he is gratified that significant progress has been made on that front as of late. He looks forward to further developments in this area.

On a personal note, Dr. Raney and his wife Dawn are the proud parents of three energetic children—Michaela, who is eleven years old, Benjamin, who is nine, and Lillian, who is six.

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