John Monroe

John Monroe

John Monroe has been practicing law for over 30 years. He concentrates his practice on civil and criminal litigation over gun law issues. He has successfully sued the FBI, the ATF, the States of Wisconsin and Georgia, and many local governmental entities. He has a bachelor of engineering degree in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt University and a juris doctor from the University of Wisconsin.

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View the full schedule for the most important Second Amendment seminar of the year. This full day seminar is packed with smart discussions, lively debates and career defining networking opportunities.

Review the biographies of our esteemed speakers before you arrive. The depth of knowledge from this incredible group of thought leaders makes this event one you should not miss.

This event is likely to sell out quickly. Register now to secure your seat at the table. Earn Continuing Legal Education Credits through the NRA Foundation's Firearms Law Seminar.

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Written study materials are available for purchase. To order the materials or ask for more information, call 1-877-NRF-LAWS or email us at [email protected].

The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar is the largest gathering of Second Amendment attorneys in the country.

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